Willing To Fight For Your Rights

Understanding Ohio DUI Penalties

Ohio is known to have some of the strictest penalties for drunk driving in the country. If you have been arrested for drinking and driving, it is important to understand what penalties you may be facing, as well as your legal options.

I am attorney Robert E. Calesaric, and at Robert E. Calesaric Attorney at Law in Newark, I defend individuals who have been charged with drunk driving anywhere in central Ohio. To discuss your options for overcoming OVI/DUI charges, please contact my law office online today. Otherwise, read the information below for more information about Ohio DUI Penalties.

Penalties for OVI/DUI in Ohio

Penalties for a drunk driving conviction in Ohio include:

First offense OVI/DUI:

  • Minimum fine of $375, maximum of $1,075
  • Minimum jail time of three days or a three-day driver intervention program, maximum jail time of six months
  • License suspension for six months up to three years, as well as possible ignition interlock device
  • For a test refusal, one-year license suspension

Second offense OVI/DUI within six years of the first:

  • Minimum fine of $525, maximum of $1,625
  • Minimum jail time of 10 days or five days in jail plus house arrest for 18 days
  • License suspension for one to five years, as well as ignition interlock device and restricted (DUI) license plates required
  • Drug/alcohol assessment and program
  • Up to five years probation

Third offense OVI/DUI within six years of the first:

  • Minimum fine of $850, maximum of $10,500
  • Minimum jail time of 30 days and up to one year
  • Mandatory alcohol treatment
  • License suspension for two to 10 years, plus vehicle forfeiture, ignition interlock device and restricted (DUI) license plates
  • Up to five years probation

Fourth offense OVI/DUI within six years of the first, or sixth offense in 20 years:

  • Minimum fine of $1,350, maximum of $10,500
  • Minimum jail time of 60 days and up to one year
  • Mandatory alcohol treatment
  • License suspension for a minimum of three years or permanently; ignition interlock device and restricted (DUI) license plates, vehicle forfeiture
  • Up to five years probation

An individual may face increased penalties if he or she was driving with a high blood alcohol content (BAC) level. Other factors may also influence the penalties. It is important to speak to an attorney if you are facing drunk driving charges for the first time, or if you have been previously convicted of OVI/DUI.

Charged with DUI in Newark, Ohio? Contact a Criminal Defense Lawyer Today.

Free consultation: Do not wait to learn about your rights and legal options. Please contact Robert E. Calesaric Attorney at Law for a consultation about your OVI/DUI arrest. I serve clients throughout central Ohio, including Granville, Lancaster, Mt. Vernon, Newark, New Lexington, Johnstown and Ohio State University (OSU/Newark), Denison University or Buckeye Lake.